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What is the difference between Procell Constant and Procell Intense

Batteries are the unsung heroes of our daily lives, powering everything from remote controls to medical devices. Among the multitude of battery options available, two contenders from the Procell family stand out: Procell Constant and Procell Intense. In this blog post, we'll dive into the differences between these two powerhouses and explore the various scenarios where each excels.

Procell Constant: The Reliable Workhorse

Procell Constant is the epitome of reliability. Engineered to provide a stable and consistent power supply, it is the go-to choice for devices with low to moderate energy demands. Devices such as remote controls, wall clocks, and smoke detectors benefit from the steady output of Procell Constant.

The key feature of Procell Constant is its longevity. These batteries are designed to have a prolonged lifespan, making them ideal for applications where infrequent battery replacements are desired. Imagine not having to worry about changing the batteries in your wall clock for years – that's the kind of reliability Procell Constant brings to the table.

Procell Intense: Powering the High-Energy Demands

On the other end of the spectrum, we have Procell Intense – the powerhouse built for high-energy-demand devices. From digital cameras to flashlights, Procell Intense delivers a burst of energy when it's needed the most. Its ability to handle high-drain devices makes it a top choice for professionals and enthusiasts alike.

One standout feature of Procell Intense is its enhanced capacity. The higher energy density allows it to sustain power-hungry devices for a more extended period, making it the preferred choice for those who rely on their gadgets for extended periods of time.

Choosing the Right Battery for the Job

The decision between Procell Constant and Procell Intense ultimately boils down to the specific requirements of your devices. Here are some guidelines to help you make the right choice:

  • Low to Moderate Energy Demands: If your device operates on a consistent basis with a relatively low energy demand, Procell Constant is the reliable and cost-effective choice.
  • High-Energy Demands: For devices that require a sudden surge of power or operate at high energy levels consistently, Procell Intense is the superior option.
  • Long-Term Reliability: If the convenience of infrequent battery changes is a priority, Procell Constant's extended lifespan is a significant advantage.


In the world of batteries, one size does not fit all. The Procell Constant and Procell Intense batteries cater to different needs, providing tailored solutions for various devices. Whether you prioritize longevity and stability or demand high-performance power for your gadgets, Procell has you covered. Next time you reach for a battery, consider the specific requirements of your device and choose the Procell that aligns with your power needs.

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